The S3 Illustration Repository

130 illustrations for Sociocracy 3.0 resources like "S3 - A Practical Guide" and the S3 website.

The Sociocracy 3.0 Illustration Repository

This package contains 130 illustrations for Sociocracy 3.0 (a.k.a. S3), created for S3 resources like S3 - A Practical Guide and the S3 website.

Illustrations are available as PNG files with 140 dpi, both with white and transparent backgrounds. Currently there is English and German versions of each illustration, French and Hebrew versions coming soon. If you want to contribute to translating the illustrations into your language, please visit for more information.

This project is maintained by Bernhard Bockelbrink. For more information on S3 see the Sociocracy 3.0 homepage.


You can download the repository as a zip file:


You can browse the illustrations here:


Creative Commons License
These Sociocracy 3.0 Illustrations by Bernhard Bockelbrink is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.